Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Helping stage construction

During the weekends of 11/16-11/17 and 11/23-11/24, I was helping my mentor and the stage crew building the sets for the play at the chino community theater. How this help with my project is that my mentor told me that a great way for actor to do a better performance on stage is to know there stage. I understood what he met. This explain how he knows so much about theater, he started as an actor,then work his way to build sets on stage and do light technician. I had a lot of fun helping them build sets and I even get test out the stage lights a little bit. Jon shoemaker was there as well, since he also doing mentorship there, which was really cool because he and I had a lot of fun together of helping the community theater team finish building the sets on stage.
Everyone getting ready to build props for the stage

Me and Jon Shoemaker were assign to sand off the shelf and the cabinets to get rid off the old stains. 

It looks easy, but trust me its a lot harder then you thinks

The hardest part was the corners, and it took me and Jon to get rid of the stains about an hour.

After the shelf was finish, me and Jon move on to the cabinets. I was working on sides and the base while Jon was working on the doors of the cabinets. 

The left one is all ready sanded while the right one isn't sand off yet, so yeah you can see the difference.

Everyone who were here to help were very busy  to get the stage done on time.

Me and Jon got to paint the new staining of the shelf that we just finish sanding off.

Painting the shell was cool, except I got some of the paint on my right hand and couldn't get it off for the next few days, since it wasn't normal paint.

The next weekend, the stage is almost finish, the team just needed finish a few more things in the stage. I got to paint some spots that need to be paint over including the red benches  

Seeing the tech team, including Jon shoemaker, working on the stage light and programming the timing of the lights.. I even got to test the lights for a while, which was a cool experience. 

Seeing my mentor yelling the ques for the tech team to know when to  turn on lights on a specific spots on a specific timing. 

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