Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog 19: Independent Component 2


(a) Statement saying: “I, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”

" I, Gustavo A. Rios, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work"

(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component

The source that help me with my Independent Component 2 is Joe Hogan who is my Drama Teacher and the one who is charge of the I-poly Drama team for the Fullerton Festival 2014.  

(c) Provide a digital spreadsheet (aka log of the 30 hours).   Post it next to your mentorship log.

All ready been done. Here is the link just in case 

Independent Component 2

(d) Explanation of what you completed.    

What I have completed is a work of more than 30 hours of rehearsing two scene, one monologue and one group,  and competing at the annual Fullerton Festival 2014.  

Defend your work and explain how the significant parts of your component and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.

What I have done that demonstrates 30 hours of work is that I have been practicing, rehearsing on two different parts, one is monologue and another is group musical play, and competing at the annual theater competition which is know as the Fullerton festival. This is the time of year where 30 high school drama groups come together to competitive against each other whether its acting scene, tech crew, or stage designs. So the last two month, I have been working on two of my parts that I had competed all ready in the festival. For my monologue part, I have to practice memorizing my lines and learn to have a better understanding what type of person my character is and see what situation is my character is going through. Not only that, I have been working with my group on the three scene from the musical play that I perform from Decembers play. My group have to practice and change a lot of the choreography and the blocking on stage. During that time, my teacher, Mr. Hogan, gave us feed back on what to improve on our scene so that way we can do it better.  Finally on the two days of the competition, I didn't just preform my two parts, but I also observe and talk with other high school actor to see how they practice in their own scene and what works for them.  

All of the pictures will be below of this page   
How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped. 

How this component help me find new answer of my EQ was through my practice and preparation for the Fullerton Festival competition. When I was learning my lines of my monologue, Hogan told me that I shouldn't just know my lines, but I should also learn what my character is feeling through this scene. This reminded me of a method tool that I have been researching on for a while called Stanislavski Method, which teaches you to use your own emotional expression within your character's emotion to show real emotion towards the audience. Luckily, my character was a funny happy person so I needed to remember of something of a moment when I was funny and happy in my past and soon enough, I was able to act out what my character could of gone through.  

Not only that, I also work on my body to show some unique expressive language like how I talk, How I gesture, and how I move around to grasp the audience attention.  I learn this from another acting tool called The Cekhov Techinque. This tool teaches to bring the not just one characters, but to play as multiparty characters  to life on and finding the right expressive language to the right character. This was a challenge for me since the characters I was playing move alot so much but I find a way to express my self well as the characters. I move slow around the stage, use the right gesture that fits well of what my character saying, and speak something unique that grasp the audience attention while fitting right for the character's voice.   

And finally, with proper blocking, which is my first answer, I was able to keep my self in one place of the stage where all the audience will be focus on me when performing my monologue. Not only that, it help me and my group with our timing and the choreography for the musical play scenes in the competition. Even though me or the I-poly drama group didn't win the competition, i did learn a lot from my experience and from actors i meant who were competing as well. Thanks to this, I  now have proper answers that helps me answer my EQ and help me break down to see which of my answer will best fit for my EQ. 

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