Senior Topic: Theater Acting (approval EQ: "What technique or method can an actor best use to engage the audience's attention?" )
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Blog 22: Senior Project Reflection
(1) Positive Statement
What are you most proud of in your Block Presentation and/or your senior project? Why?
What I am most proud about my presentation is that I was able to engaged the the whole class about my passionate of theater acting. It was actually one of my most proud moments of being a performer and how it help me to grow into a better actor that I am today. Reason why is because ever since we started to prepare for our presentation, I was actually looking forward to it. I didn't thought the presentation as a normal presentation but as a my final performance as an actor I wanted to make sure that this will be my greatest performance hear in I-poly and leave a huge impact to the class. I am just proud of doing this presentation and I will sure miss everything hearer in I-poly when I go to college and I-poly will always be in my heart.
(2) Questions to Consider
a. What assessment would you give yourself on your Block Presentation (self-assessment)?
b. What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)?
(3) What worked for you in your senior project?
What really work for me for senior project was my independent components 1 and 2. When I was performing both of my component, it allow me to experience of preforming to a live audience and see what is significant of being an actor. In my first one, it help be to discover what is important of being an actor and that is to engage the audience, which help me to formulate my EQ which is "What technique or method can an actor best use to engage the audience's attention?" My Second one allow me to test one my three answer when I was competing in an acting competition In Fullerton College
(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would have you done differently to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?
Well there isn't really anything bad happen to me during my project, but for small things, I will have to say the ESA component. I had a hard time of fining statistic of theatre acting of technique or method uses in theatre. If I have gone to a different root of theatre for statistic, I would of found better statistic that will support one of my answers.
(5) Finding Value
How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors? Be specific and use examples.
Thanks to my Senior project, it allowed to to found better and quality source for my college classes in the future and be able to significant amount of work that most senior in other school only foo a little. It also help me to beginning to pursuit acting as a side thing during my college years but it to me more interested to know theatre in general liking directing, light tech and so much more. Not only that, it allow me to be more expressive and open up to the whole class like I did in the bully presentation and will help in the future to be open up top others and be passionate in my future presentation in college.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Blog 21: Mentorship
How my mentorship helped me answer my EQ was that I get to see actors practicing in a different point of view. When I practice in my role in drama, I never really see my self practicing and seeing ways of how I engage the audience. But thanks to my Mentorship, I got to see form a different actor's point of view in their own practice of their role on stage. I see then working their proper blocking a lot as a team with my mentor and seeing who the interpret their own style as a character, whether its using their own personal memories or coming up there own interpenetration from different actors. Thanks to my mentorship, it not only help me formulate my three answer, but it help me track down the best answer. During mentorshp, My mentor gave me an example of an actor name Daniel Day-Lewis who use Stanislavski method of emotion memories to become the character of Abraham Lincoln in the 2012 film "Lincoln" and was stuck as that character for six months. I also heard from other actors like Lisa Lanier who told me about there experience with that tool. Thank to my mentorship, it help go deeper in that took and gave me enoguh info for my answer to be the best answer for my EQ.
LIA Response to blog:
· Log of specific hours with a total and a description of your duties updated on the right hand side of your blog
All Ready been done but here is the link just in case
Contact Name and Mentorship Place
Paul Larson. Chino Community Theatre
What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
The most important thing that i gain from my experience is seeing what is like working in a real life professional theatre. So far in my life,I have only work in theatre in school play since I was in sixth grade but thank to mentorship, I got to experience whats like to work in a full time theater with people who have years in experience of theatre work. I have to work in long hours of helping the back stage team while watching actor practicing with the directors and the producers. I get to see what type of actors will my mentor needs in the play and see which one of them is qualify for the role and is available for rehearsals for the next two months. And for the rest of the hours, I have been going to almost every single rehearsals for more than two months watching the actors rehearsal for the play and seeing my mentor working with them to help them do better. Not only that, I also been helping my mentor to build the sets for the play and get to work a little bit on the stage lights. it actually a cool experience of actually working with not just with actors, but with rest of team who work really hard to get ready for the play on December. Even though I have experience this before, since I'm an actor for drama team at school, I get see a new view of actors who work so hard with my mentor, the stage crew and help one another and I have fun with it.
How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ? Please explain.
How my mentorship helped me answer my EQ was that I get to see actors practicing in a different point of view. When I practice in my role in drama, I never really see my self practicing and seeing ways of how I engage the audience. But thanks to my Mentorship, I got to see form a different actor's point of view in their own practice of their role on stage. I see then working their proper blocking a lot as a team with my mentor and seeing who the interpret their own style as a character, whether its using their own personal memories or coming up there own interpenetration from different actors. Thanks to my mentorship, it not only help me formulate my three answer, but it help me track down the best answer. During mentorshp, My mentor gave me an example of an actor name Daniel Day-Lewis who use Stanislavski method of emotion memories to become the character of Abraham Lincoln in the 2012 film "Lincoln" and was stuck as that character for six months. I also heard from other actors like Lisa Lanier who told me about there experience with that tool. Thank to my mentorship, it help go deeper in that took and gave me enoguh info for my answer to be the best answer for my EQ.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Competing in the Shakespeare festival in Cal Poly
On April 12, me and nine other people form drama headed to Cal Poly to compete at the annual Shakespeare Festival. Its a time of year where about for school come to together to compete each on scene that is base from the work of William Shakespeare. this was technically smaller short version of Fullerton Festival. Anyway, there were only about 8 judges, half of them from Cal Poly, and three other schools. Its started off with women monologue to men monologues and finally group scene. By the time it got to me, I was so ready to preform the monologue that I use at the Fullerton Festival and practice for months. But during my performance, I was choking a little bit and suddenly I kind of forgot the two lines for my monologue, I was starting to get nervous but i didn't wanted to let the audience nor the judges know I forgot my two lines. So I did what I have to do, I improvise the part continue my my other lines as if I didn't miss one. After my performance, I felt Ok but I was regretting for missing two lines of it. Luckily, after the competition was, we were allow to talk to the judges to see how we did. I did went up to to see how I did. He said i did a fine preforms and he didn't notices I miss lines. He said a true actor will continue the play without stopping and he was impress how i was able to manage to do it. It made me feel better that I did what i have to do without really screwing up the performance. Even though I didn't won the competition, I still got a great experience with my performance and watching other actor performing on stage. This may be my last competition of acting in high school, but I may continue it in my college year and maybe pursuit theatre as a carrier, but time and fate will tell.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Blog 20: Exit Interview
The two significant sources that help me to answer my EQ is Ginna Escobar from my third interview because she gave me a full explanation of understanding what makes an actor's performance so unique. he even describes the three answer I showed her before and the one she explains the most was my second answer because she was more of a method actor where she learns be because the character that is believable and related to the character and gave me full understanding f this tool. My second significant source is form a five hour video sources called "Michael Chekhov: THE MASTER CLASSES (Complete 1955 Recordings)." by Micheal Chekhov. The reason why is because even thought the Narrator mostly talk about his technique, which is my third answer, he also talks about the whole art of theatre in general. He talk about the importance of understanding stage composition applied to his tool, which that part help me little with my first answer, and talk about another tool that he learn from his mentor who was Stanislavski and gave a full explanation of Stanislavski method, which help me fully understand that tool and develop better for my second answer.
(1) What is your essential question and answers? What is your best answer and why?
My EQ is "What technique or method can an actor best use to engage the audience's attention?".
My three Answers are
1. "Proper blocking can engage the audience"
2. "The Stanslavski methods helps actors to become believable characters"
3. "The Chekhov technique teaches actors to create their individual interpretation of the character."
My best answer for my EQ is "The Stanslavski methods helps actors to become believable characters" because its a well effective tool that any actor can interpret and become believable character with emotional memories that is relatable to the audience . According to a paper from the journal The Arts of Psychotherapy, 70% of the patients who worked with professional actors over a 6 months period showed more emotional expression than the other two groups tested in 2010. This prove that this tool is very effective when actors use emotion memories which helps have a better performance on stage. Why this answer is better then the other two answer is that my first answer basically show how you are placing yourself on stage and knowing what makes a strong scene for actors to preform. And for my third answers , even though is a well effective tool use by famous American actors, the creator of this tool, Micheal Chekhov, got most his ideas form his mentor who is no other but Constatin Stanlavski, creator of the Stanslavski method. Without him and his method, the Chekhov technique wouldn't be invented.
(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
How I started my process with my best answers was looking at different source of different theatre tools. I was kind of hard to find a significant tool that most actors will rely on. I first research about proper blocking since that was the first tool that any actor will need to learn when preforming on stage, which became my first answer, but I felt like there was a better tool that really helps the actor's performance. I was then researching on a another actor tool called Alexander technique, which is the teaching of the relaxing the body and the mind within the role, but it said that this tool support by another tool called the Stanislavski method. At first, it didn't really caught my attention of this method but when I was reaching other tools like Meniser method and lee berg method, they all reference back to the Stanislavski method. So I decide to research on this tool. During my research, I couldn't really find any sources that fully explains what this tool actually teach, but i did fund sources that gives me a summary of what this method teaches. Finally I found paper source called "The Staniskiavski system: Growth and Methodology" by Perviz Sawoski who talks about the tools that Stanslavski method teaches about. it describe of an important tool he toughs called "emotional memories" which talks about using personal memories through the character performance. During that time, I didn't fully understand what the tool meant. luckily, that when mentorship, interview, and independent components came to e useful. In mentorship, I ask my mentor and few other in this threat about this tool and they gave me a good explanation and personal experiences of this tool . In my last two interviews, Giinns Escorbar and Mario Montenegro gave me a good explanation of how this tool help them to be true about them self in their performance. Finally my second independent component i got to try to test out this tool with my performances in the Fullerton festival. It help me with my performance better but I was missing something else. Luckily that something came to me during the bully presentation in I-poly. During that presentation, the presenter was asking anybody who was willingly tell them about of being bullied in the past.Only the few people gave a brief note but not much explanation. I in the other, I kind wanted to do but to nervous because my bullied past rough on me. but then i remember that the stanslavski method teaches actors to be true within them self through the performance and that hit me. So I volunteer to explain my bullied ast and how it really effective me and suddenly when i finish, the whole class was silence and gave me a huge applause. the next the day, I heard people talking about the huge impact I left to them and were really amaze of how I had the courage to tell them, Thanks to the Stanslaski method, it gave me the courage to be true to my self to the audience and i relizes now that this was the key tool that help me to engage to the audience. So that is why my second answer is my best answer for my EQ.
(3) What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
The problem that I have to face was finding one specified source that help me fully understand my best answer. For months, I have trouble finding book on a specific tool that I wanted to study, but when ever I went to the libraries or search on line in amazon or ebay, they are either to expensive or don't have it. So the only way that could help understand my two answer and my best answer was to look varies of different sources. Each source was like a puzzle piece and I have to put it together to have a solid answers and full understand what that tool is. I went through specific sources of articles in the cal poly library data base, which help me a lot, look through acting videos, and learn a lot of my mentorship, my two independent components, and my interviews. Thanks to these sources I found, it help em put together to form my three answers and pick the best answer for my EQ.
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
Be prepared with evidence and specific examples to support any response. It is also significant to cite sources as you explain.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Blog 19: Independent Component 2
(a) Statement saying: “I, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
" I, Gustavo A. Rios, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work"
(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component
The source that help me with my Independent Component 2 is Joe Hogan who is my Drama Teacher and the one who is charge of the I-poly Drama team for the Fullerton Festival 2014.
(c) Provide a digital spreadsheet (aka log of the 30 hours). Post it next to your mentorship log.
All ready been done. Here is the link just in case
Independent Component 2
(d) Explanation of what you completed.
What I have completed is a work of more than 30 hours of rehearsing two scene, one monologue and one group, and competing at the annual Fullerton Festival 2014.
Defend your work and explain how the significant parts of your component and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work. Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.
What I have done that demonstrates 30 hours of work is that I have been practicing, rehearsing on two different parts, one is monologue and another is group musical play, and competing at the annual theater competition which is know as the Fullerton festival. This is the time of year where 30 high school drama groups come together to competitive against each other whether its acting scene, tech crew, or stage designs. So the last two month, I have been working on two of my parts that I had competed all ready in the festival. For my monologue part, I have to practice memorizing my lines and learn to have a better understanding what type of person my character is and see what situation is my character is going through. Not only that, I have been working with my group on the three scene from the musical play that I perform from Decembers play. My group have to practice and change a lot of the choreography and the blocking on stage. During that time, my teacher, Mr. Hogan, gave us feed back on what to improve on our scene so that way we can do it better. Finally on the two days of the competition, I didn't just preform my two parts, but I also observe and talk with other high school actor to see how they practice in their own scene and what works for them.
All of the pictures will be below of this page
How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.
How this component help me find new answer of my EQ was through my practice and preparation for the Fullerton Festival competition. When I was learning my lines of my monologue, Hogan told me that I shouldn't just know my lines, but I should also learn what my character is feeling through this scene. This reminded me of a method tool that I have been researching on for a while called Stanislavski Method, which teaches you to use your own emotional expression within your character's emotion to show real emotion towards the audience. Luckily, my character was a funny happy person so I needed to remember of something of a moment when I was funny and happy in my past and soon enough, I was able to act out what my character could of gone through.
Not only that, I also work on my body to show some unique expressive language like how I talk, How I gesture, and how I move around to grasp the audience attention. I learn this from another acting tool called The Cekhov Techinque. This tool teaches to bring the not just one characters, but to play as multiparty characters to life on and finding the right expressive language to the right character. This was a challenge for me since the characters I was playing move alot so much but I find a way to express my self well as the characters. I move slow around the stage, use the right gesture that fits well of what my character saying, and speak something unique that grasp the audience attention while fitting right for the character's voice.
And finally, with proper blocking, which is my first answer, I was able to keep my self in one place of the stage where all the audience will be focus on me when performing my monologue. Not only that, it help me and my group with our timing and the choreography for the musical play scenes in the competition. Even though me or the I-poly drama group didn't win the competition, i did learn a lot from my experience and from actors i meant who were competing as well. Thanks to this, I now have proper answers that helps me answer my EQ and help me break down to see which of my answer will best fit for my EQ.
(a) Statement saying: “I, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
" I, Gustavo A. Rios, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work"
(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component
The source that help me with my Independent Component 2 is Joe Hogan who is my Drama Teacher and the one who is charge of the I-poly Drama team for the Fullerton Festival 2014.
(c) Provide a digital spreadsheet (aka log of the 30 hours). Post it next to your mentorship log.
All ready been done. Here is the link just in case
Independent Component 2
(d) Explanation of what you completed.
What I have completed is a work of more than 30 hours of rehearsing two scene, one monologue and one group, and competing at the annual Fullerton Festival 2014.
Defend your work and explain how the significant parts of your component and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work. Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.
What I have done that demonstrates 30 hours of work is that I have been practicing, rehearsing on two different parts, one is monologue and another is group musical play, and competing at the annual theater competition which is know as the Fullerton festival. This is the time of year where 30 high school drama groups come together to competitive against each other whether its acting scene, tech crew, or stage designs. So the last two month, I have been working on two of my parts that I had competed all ready in the festival. For my monologue part, I have to practice memorizing my lines and learn to have a better understanding what type of person my character is and see what situation is my character is going through. Not only that, I have been working with my group on the three scene from the musical play that I perform from Decembers play. My group have to practice and change a lot of the choreography and the blocking on stage. During that time, my teacher, Mr. Hogan, gave us feed back on what to improve on our scene so that way we can do it better. Finally on the two days of the competition, I didn't just preform my two parts, but I also observe and talk with other high school actor to see how they practice in their own scene and what works for them.
All of the pictures will be below of this page
How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.
How this component help me find new answer of my EQ was through my practice and preparation for the Fullerton Festival competition. When I was learning my lines of my monologue, Hogan told me that I shouldn't just know my lines, but I should also learn what my character is feeling through this scene. This reminded me of a method tool that I have been researching on for a while called Stanislavski Method, which teaches you to use your own emotional expression within your character's emotion to show real emotion towards the audience. Luckily, my character was a funny happy person so I needed to remember of something of a moment when I was funny and happy in my past and soon enough, I was able to act out what my character could of gone through.
Not only that, I also work on my body to show some unique expressive language like how I talk, How I gesture, and how I move around to grasp the audience attention. I learn this from another acting tool called The Cekhov Techinque. This tool teaches to bring the not just one characters, but to play as multiparty characters to life on and finding the right expressive language to the right character. This was a challenge for me since the characters I was playing move alot so much but I find a way to express my self well as the characters. I move slow around the stage, use the right gesture that fits well of what my character saying, and speak something unique that grasp the audience attention while fitting right for the character's voice.
And finally, with proper blocking, which is my first answer, I was able to keep my self in one place of the stage where all the audience will be focus on me when performing my monologue. Not only that, it help me and my group with our timing and the choreography for the musical play scenes in the competition. Even though me or the I-poly drama group didn't win the competition, i did learn a lot from my experience and from actors i meant who were competing as well. Thanks to this, I now have proper answers that helps me answer my EQ and help me break down to see which of my answer will best fit for my EQ.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Competing at the Fullerton Festival 2014
On march 14 and 15, I I have competed on the annual Fullerton Festival 2014 with the the I-Poly Drama Team. It was the time of year where everyone got to show what we have work on for few months like others who have done the same thing. On the first day was very exciting, when me and the drama team arrive at Fullerton College, we let our true artistic personalty selves out. There were hundreds of others form different schools in the campus that were having fun and very excited for the competition. The drama team set up a spot where everyone can meet and set up schedule to see what time for each and everyone, including me, and where we'll be competing at. After that , we all headed of to the Fullerton Auditorium for the opening ceremony. Usually every year, their always be an open ceremony where one person from each school carries a flag that represents the school and carry it to the front where it will be hang for everyone to see. the one who carry the I-poly flag was Paola R. and boy was she was excited to do it. After that we get a good inspiration word from the people who created this festival, got to see a short perform for the Fullerton college drama team, and after that the competition began.
During those few hours, I was practicing my lines over and over while observing how I'll be moving around on stage, but during that time, I got to see many high school actors practicing their scene as well. i saw how they practicing and see if I could interpret that to my practice later in the future. Finally it was time for me to compete.
I met with ten other actors who were doing the comedy monologue catalog, which I was also doing, and they were interesting people to talk with. The two judges finally arrived and introduce them self. I forgot who they were but I do remember both were long time professional actors who done theater or year and done Television performance as well. They told us the rules of in order to receive a high score and not get kick out of the competition. They also told us not to take picture since it could distract the performer, So I do apologize for not having picture of the competition, but if I did, I'l get kick out of the competition. When it was my turn, I wasn't really nervous at all, I got on stage, relax my mind, introduce who I am and perform. after my performance, wee moved on with the other actors. Some of they were impressive and I could tell that they put so much work in their performance, but they were some who didn't put much effort to it, so it was kind of painful to see it. after the competition was done, the judges told us that will send the score to our teachers soon. I gave complements to some of them since they did really well on it, putting passionate in the work, speaking unique tone and using gesture that engages the audience. Some of the other actors also complemented me on my performance. They like how I speak that graves their attention and they way how I moved, which made me really happy.
After that I move on with the next catalog that involves the whole drama team. We were competing the musical threatre catalog again three other schools on the same time. Before that competition begun, Hogan had as run the three scene to practice. We all practice in our blocking, remembering what lines we need to say, and after that, we were off. We were the first group to on and perform to two other judges, one of them of course works at a theater in Hollywood which means he had a lot of experience with musical play. After we perform, we watch another group that only involved three people. During the performance, I observe how that move around the stage, how the show emotion to their character, and how they interact one another. After that, we enjoy the rest of the day. I got to meet a lot of awesome people and enjoyed with them for a while. i always got to see few others performance, but sadly, I wasn't a lot to take picture, but I do remember how they perform. At the end of the first day, we all headed back home to get rest for the nest day.
On the second day it was tiring. I arrived early in the morning since I was scheduled to perform at 9 am. I practice a few times before heading to the location where I am suppose to compete. I finally arrive at the place and the judges told us the same thing about receiving high score and stuff. I wasn't nervous since I done this before, but my mind change when I saw another performer, who went before me, who was doing the same monologue that I was doing. He had a better costume, better tone, and even had better gesture then I have, and he was moving around the stage a lot and thought we weren't suppose to do that, but he judges allow that. The were part is that I was next. In my mind I was panicking of how am I going to perform this if someone else did better then me. But then I remember something that I learn from one of the techniques that I am using for my answer of my EQ. That technique I learn, called the Chekhov Technique, quotes that it doesn't matter who perform better, it matter how you presented in your own style, which made me feel better. So I perform the same way that I always did and got some good complements form others.
After that I head with my group to do the musical theatre competition again. After that, we all head to watch other performance before the competition ended at 1pm. At around 2 pm, the finalist list was posted up to see which schools made the finals. Sadly, none of us were in the finals, but that didn't brought us down. During that time, I remember what my mentor told me. He told me that being an actor isn't about winning or being better than others, its means to learning your mistakes and learning from other performers to see how they do it so that way you can learn how to to better later on the future and true actors never stop learning.
After that, the drama team went to see the finalist performances to see how we can improve better for next years competition. At around 5 pm. The festival was having the closing ceremony and rewarding trophies to people who won in a specific catalog. After the ceremony was over, the whole drama team headed to the Fullerton College theater because our school was invited to was the annual Fullerton show that they always out every single year. The show was called "Noise Off" which was about a group of actors, The Director, and two tech people who had a hard time working together and always fighting each other during a performance. The play was broken up into three acts. Act 1 was about the dress rehearsal before opening night, Act 2 was about whats happening on back stage during the performance, and Act 3 was about them messing up during the performance. I was laugh so hard and enjoying the play. I love how the actor interact one another, how the know all their blocking and how the engage the whole audience. At the end, we all headed back stage to meet with the actors. I even took picture with them, which was awesome.
So that pretty much it of my my experience at the Fullerton Festival 2013. I learn a lot from so many actors that i meant and saw and hopefully this experience will help find my best answer of my EQ. But most importantly, I will never forgets this since it is my last year competing in Fullerton festival and will always cherish it in my memories and in my heart for the drama team who were there to competitive and to enjoy one another as a team.
During those few hours, I was practicing my lines over and over while observing how I'll be moving around on stage, but during that time, I got to see many high school actors practicing their scene as well. i saw how they practicing and see if I could interpret that to my practice later in the future. Finally it was time for me to compete.
I met with ten other actors who were doing the comedy monologue catalog, which I was also doing, and they were interesting people to talk with. The two judges finally arrived and introduce them self. I forgot who they were but I do remember both were long time professional actors who done theater or year and done Television performance as well. They told us the rules of in order to receive a high score and not get kick out of the competition. They also told us not to take picture since it could distract the performer, So I do apologize for not having picture of the competition, but if I did, I'l get kick out of the competition. When it was my turn, I wasn't really nervous at all, I got on stage, relax my mind, introduce who I am and perform. after my performance, wee moved on with the other actors. Some of they were impressive and I could tell that they put so much work in their performance, but they were some who didn't put much effort to it, so it was kind of painful to see it. after the competition was done, the judges told us that will send the score to our teachers soon. I gave complements to some of them since they did really well on it, putting passionate in the work, speaking unique tone and using gesture that engages the audience. Some of the other actors also complemented me on my performance. They like how I speak that graves their attention and they way how I moved, which made me really happy.
After that I move on with the next catalog that involves the whole drama team. We were competing the musical threatre catalog again three other schools on the same time. Before that competition begun, Hogan had as run the three scene to practice. We all practice in our blocking, remembering what lines we need to say, and after that, we were off. We were the first group to on and perform to two other judges, one of them of course works at a theater in Hollywood which means he had a lot of experience with musical play. After we perform, we watch another group that only involved three people. During the performance, I observe how that move around the stage, how the show emotion to their character, and how they interact one another. After that, we enjoy the rest of the day. I got to meet a lot of awesome people and enjoyed with them for a while. i always got to see few others performance, but sadly, I wasn't a lot to take picture, but I do remember how they perform. At the end of the first day, we all headed back home to get rest for the nest day.
On the second day it was tiring. I arrived early in the morning since I was scheduled to perform at 9 am. I practice a few times before heading to the location where I am suppose to compete. I finally arrive at the place and the judges told us the same thing about receiving high score and stuff. I wasn't nervous since I done this before, but my mind change when I saw another performer, who went before me, who was doing the same monologue that I was doing. He had a better costume, better tone, and even had better gesture then I have, and he was moving around the stage a lot and thought we weren't suppose to do that, but he judges allow that. The were part is that I was next. In my mind I was panicking of how am I going to perform this if someone else did better then me. But then I remember something that I learn from one of the techniques that I am using for my answer of my EQ. That technique I learn, called the Chekhov Technique, quotes that it doesn't matter who perform better, it matter how you presented in your own style, which made me feel better. So I perform the same way that I always did and got some good complements form others.
After that I head with my group to do the musical theatre competition again. After that, we all head to watch other performance before the competition ended at 1pm. At around 2 pm, the finalist list was posted up to see which schools made the finals. Sadly, none of us were in the finals, but that didn't brought us down. During that time, I remember what my mentor told me. He told me that being an actor isn't about winning or being better than others, its means to learning your mistakes and learning from other performers to see how they do it so that way you can learn how to to better later on the future and true actors never stop learning.
After that, the drama team went to see the finalist performances to see how we can improve better for next years competition. At around 5 pm. The festival was having the closing ceremony and rewarding trophies to people who won in a specific catalog. After the ceremony was over, the whole drama team headed to the Fullerton College theater because our school was invited to was the annual Fullerton show that they always out every single year. The show was called "Noise Off" which was about a group of actors, The Director, and two tech people who had a hard time working together and always fighting each other during a performance. The play was broken up into three acts. Act 1 was about the dress rehearsal before opening night, Act 2 was about whats happening on back stage during the performance, and Act 3 was about them messing up during the performance. I was laugh so hard and enjoying the play. I love how the actor interact one another, how the know all their blocking and how the engage the whole audience. At the end, we all headed back stage to meet with the actors. I even took picture with them, which was awesome.
So that pretty much it of my my experience at the Fullerton Festival 2013. I learn a lot from so many actors that i meant and saw and hopefully this experience will help find my best answer of my EQ. But most importantly, I will never forgets this since it is my last year competing in Fullerton festival and will always cherish it in my memories and in my heart for the drama team who were there to competitive and to enjoy one another as a team.
Arriving at the campus and seeing other schools setting up. |
The whole dram team, who are awesome. |
Almost 30 schools were in here for the opening ceramony. |
Seeing all of the flags being hung up stage for everyone to see. |
A short performance was perform to us by the Fullerton College Drama Team |
Me and the drama team perparing for the musical scene before the conception begins. |
A beautiful picture of the Fullerton College campus |
Our sign, which looks awesome |
The closing ceremony for Fullerton Festival |
Watching the play called "noise Off" and see how the sets are moved. |
The cast of "Noies Off" who did a wonderful performance |
Me taking a picture with the guy who play the director in the pkay. |
Taking Pictur with two other actors. The ne with the beard played as a drunken old actor, who was the funniest in the play, and th other play the shy director's assistant. |
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Blog 18: Third Answer
Just like you did for answer 1 and 2 post your:
"The Chekhov Technique teaches actors to become multiple characters and show how to give a unique performing style to the audience."
3. learning to a avoiding monotony by understanding the inner and outer tempo with outer and inner action of the character and show four channel to find guided thoughts and idea which are:
Source # 33: Kirillov, Andrei. "Michael Chekhov and the Search for the 'Ideal' Theatre." New Theatre Quarterly, 22.3 (2006): 227-234.
Source # 24: Marowitz, Charles. "The Michael Chekhov Twist." American Theatre, 22.1 (2005): 42
Source # 7: Makela, Marjo-Riikka. "Back Stage Actor’s Craft Article | Chekhov Studio International."Chekhov Studio International RSS. N.p., 3 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Aug. 2013.
Just like you did for answer 1 and 2 post your:
- EQ
- Answer #3 (Write in a complete sentence like a thesis statement)*
"The Chekhov Technique teaches actors to become multiple characters and show how to give a unique performing style to the audience."
- 3 details to support the answer (a detail is a fact and an example)
- The technique teaches actors the tool of characterization, meaning the difference between Individual character and the type of character. It also gives the four means of how to properly use the characterization which are:
- Know what is the difference between the actor's way of thing and the character's way of thinking, the more an actor know, the more clear he will have full understanding what his character acts like
- Observing straighter around you and try to interpret them
- Playing around with the tool called "imagine body"
- Requires for the actor to make a list business of what the actor's character is going to fulfill form beginning to en
2. Another thing it teaches actors is knowing the Multi-Layed Acting as in the Individual Personal Atmosphere, knowing the difference between objective and subjective, and learn to reveal your true self of performing with a tool called "The Mask"
3. learning to a avoiding monotony by understanding the inner and outer tempo with outer and inner action of the character and show four channel to find guided thoughts and idea which are:
- Feeling and emotional of the character
- business
- objective
- The lines of the play
- The research source (s) to support your details and answer
Source # 33: Kirillov, Andrei. "Michael Chekhov and the Search for the 'Ideal' Theatre." New Theatre Quarterly, 22.3 (2006): 227-234.
Source # 24: Marowitz, Charles. "The Michael Chekhov Twist." American Theatre, 22.1 (2005): 42
Source # 7: Makela, Marjo-Riikka. "Back Stage Actor’s Craft Article | Chekhov Studio International."Chekhov Studio International RSS. N.p., 3 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Aug. 2013.
- Concluding Sentence
Monday, March 3, 2014
Blog 17: Fourth Interview
These are the twenty questions I would like to use for my Fourth Interview:
- What technique or method can an actor best use to engage the audience's attention?
- How can an actor best memorize his/her lines?
- What makes an actor's performance so significant to the audience?
- How does an actor become the character that is believable to audiences?
- How can an actor create a significant scene that is believable?
- What are the best ways to use techniques, generally, when working in the space of the stage?
- What aspect of acting do you enjoy the most?
- How long would an actor need to practice on different techniques and/or methods in order to be able to engage the audience?
- What types of excises can an actor use to practice on techniques and/or methods?
- If you were to work on rehearsal of a play that you are in, what technique or method would you prefer to use and why?
- How can an actor learn to use their own personal memories of events and apply it to the character?
- How can an actor build confidences him/her self if they're in a situation in the performance when they feel nervous?
- When it comes to becoming the character, some actors would use imagination to be the character and some actors would use observation of others work. So, which one do you use the most in performance and why?
- What technique can an actor use to improve his/her vocal/speaking skills when performing a long piece of a monologue or dialogue?
- How do you prepare yourself mentally/physically the night before the performance?
- How can an actor become multiple characters without acting the same character's personality in different performances?
- What influences you to become an actor and be able to perform in front of a huge live audience?
- How is one actor able to influence and communicate their main point significantly to the audience?
- What does it mean to you when you and everyone else on stage performs to the audience?
- In your experience, why does audience come to see the actor's performance even if the production of the play is big or small?
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Preparing for Fullerton Festival
Since the past two months, me and the drama team had been preparing for the annual Fullerton Festival for March 14 and 15. For those who don't know what it is, The Fullerton Festival is an annual theatre competition where over 30 high schools drama clubs come together and compete against each other weather its acting, tech team, stage designs and so on. Since the play called "working", that the drama team preform, ended in December, the team went straight in Fullerton stuff. Each person in the drama team, including the ones who are not in the elective but are still going, had been assign and register for the competition of what catalogs they sign up for.
I in the other hand, sign up for monologue catalog and beginning working on it. the monologue that I am doing is a scene form "Midsummer night's dream ", by William Shakespeare, where I play as a character name Puck who is telling a silly event that he had trick some other character on purpose. So far, I'm beginning to understand the character's objective and try to lean to act like him. I also been practicing at home where I wrote my lines down many times so its easier to memorize and practice in a full mirror to see how I'm preforming. Not only I'm doing a monologue, but I am also doing scenes from "working" with the drama team and will be only performing it under ten minute, since there are other team who are competing.
And to make sure we are doing alright, The drama team had an after school rehearsal meeting on 2/26 to review of what we are being scored on by the judges and gone through everyone's monologues and dialogues scene, including the "working" scene. at the end, everyone including me got reviews of what to improve in the next few weeks before the Fullerton Festival comes. So hopefully me and the drama team do well for the completion in a couple of weeks, so wish us luck.
I in the other hand, sign up for monologue catalog and beginning working on it. the monologue that I am doing is a scene form "Midsummer night's dream ", by William Shakespeare, where I play as a character name Puck who is telling a silly event that he had trick some other character on purpose. So far, I'm beginning to understand the character's objective and try to lean to act like him. I also been practicing at home where I wrote my lines down many times so its easier to memorize and practice in a full mirror to see how I'm preforming. Not only I'm doing a monologue, but I am also doing scenes from "working" with the drama team and will be only performing it under ten minute, since there are other team who are competing.
And to make sure we are doing alright, The drama team had an after school rehearsal meeting on 2/26 to review of what we are being scored on by the judges and gone through everyone's monologues and dialogues scene, including the "working" scene. at the end, everyone including me got reviews of what to improve in the next few weeks before the Fullerton Festival comes. So hopefully me and the drama team do well for the completion in a couple of weeks, so wish us luck.
This feed back, from Hogan, which is telling me what I need to improve before the Fullerton festival comes. |
Blog 16: Advisory Meeting #2
Just like you did for answer 1 and the objectives for Purther's textbook work for answer 2 post:
Just like you did for answer 1 and the objectives for Purther's textbook work for answer 2 post:
"What technique or method can an actor best use to engage the audience attention?"
Answer #2 (Write in a complete sentence like a thesis statement)*
Answer #2: "The Stanislavski Method helps an actors to learn to become a believable character to the audience."
3 details to support the answer (a detail is a fact and an example)
Detail # 1:What the Method teaches is how to use physical action within the character. In order to do that, you learn the 13 steps to create the physical action of the character:
- Units and Objectives
- Through line of actions and the super objective
- Analysis of the text through action
- Truth, Belief and the "Magic If"
- Imagination
- Subtext
- Motivation
- Concentration
- Relaxation
- Communion
- Adaptation
- Tempo-Rhythm
- The Physical Apparatus
Each of this step go very detail and show the importance of how to become the character. If actor's learn to use these steps, they'll learn to act like the character on stage that will be believable to the audience
Detail # 2: What an actor needs to know is how to use the method as not just an external tool, but as an internal tool. This method teaches you use Emotional Memory, meaning you use your own past event memories and apply it to the character. what it dose is when a character is in a emotional moment, like they lost someone, you use your past memories of someone you love died and you use that emotion you feel in your character and image the place you were in that make you said. This tool helps to bring the character to life through emotion and this will help to create an effected scene to the audience. But an actor has to learn to use this tool carefully because if it use to much within the actor's emotional memories, it could lead to mentally disruption of the actors mind.
Detail # 3: Another thing that this method teaches actors is to learn to control feelings and knowing when to use it in a specific scene that can be relative to the audience. When it comes to different scene, each actor should know how will this character going to feel for the next scene. When a scene change from a happy moment to a sad moment, the actor should change form feeling glad to feeling depression scene this will fit well with the scene. The top four different scenes that each actor should practice on controlling feelings are weddings, funerals, children births, and relationship break ups. The reason why is because most actors have gone trough this situation and know how they feel in that moment. Not only that, most of the audience that an actor is performing will know exactly how the character is feeling and feel liking the character is going through a relative situation that they have gone through.
The research source (s) to support your details and answer
Source 27a,b, c, and d: Sawoski, Perviz. "THE STANISLAVSKI SYSTEM GROWTH AND METHODOLOGY." N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2013
Source 23a and b: Goodwin, John, and Rick Deady. "The Art of Mental Health Practice: The
Role of Drama in Developing Empathy." Perspectives in Psychiatric Care,
49.2 (2013): 126-134. pg 1-4
Source 26a and b: Verducci, Susan. "A Moral Method? Thoughts on Cultivating Empathy
Through Method Acting." Journal of Moral Education, 29.1 (2000): 87-99.
Personal interview with Ginna Escobar of interview three.
Concluding Sentence
So the Stanislavski Method is one of the most significant acting tools that any actor can use when learning to become a believable character that will engage to the audience's attention. It may be difficult for same actors to interpret with this method, but with good practice and a good understanding of it, its easy to interpret it and become a better actor.
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